Daily Designed

A Better Life by Design!

Employers Want to Pay Off Your Student Loans
Have you been wondering how you’ll ever pay off your student loans? Student loan debt can grow quickly and take up a huge part of your monthly budget. The good news is that some employers want to help their workers pay off their existing student loan debt. Shocking, maybe,...
Does your workplace have a strong after hours socializing culture? Every company is different—every department is different. But in some offices the social invitations are nearly constant. Whether it’s baby showers or just drinks and karaoke after work, very few work environments are completely free from post-work socializing. If...
5 Sites that Pay You to Take Surveys
Surveys ask nothing but your opinion and a little bit of your time - and they‘re often happy to pay for both, too. Even better, virtually anyone can do them from anywhere: on tablet, PC, or even a smartphone. But here‘s the catch; no two sites are alike. Some...
Every person is an individual, so there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to careers and Zodiac signs. Still, there are some career paths that certain signs are more likely to be drawn to. If you’re searching for the right place to path to choose for...
For those who check their horoscope every morning, it can give a sense of guidance and calm to know they have an idea of how to approach their day. Most people check their horoscope by looking at the reading for their sun sign. When people ask what your sign...